Preparing for your interview

Our vision statement is, Changing the game, and we expect no less from you!

You put a lot of thought and consideration into your resume and cover letter and it’s paid off! 🤩 You’ve impressed us over the phone, now it’s time to take it to the next level. To help you present to us in the best way possible, we’ve prepared this page, including a quiz at the end, so you’re fully prepared for the face-to-face interview.

You should learn more about our products, and more about our company.

Learn about our product

Our main product is our subscription based website. Check these sites for more information;


(Note this website has pictures of naked people on them, and so are not suitable for kids or most workplaces).

The front page of is a tour is designed to convert visitors into paying customers. If your role involves makinging or editing content, or web deisgn or development, consider how this could be improved.

The Best Porn (no nudity)
Adult websites are often reviewed by industry experts, and we are usually assessed highly. Read review on The Best Porn, and reviews of other sites in our genres to see how we compare.

Learn about our company has three goals we work towards, Sexy, Frictionless and Profitable. These goals are of equal priority, and treated with equal seriousness – in fact, we run every decision we make through our mental “SFP” filter, for works in every department. This ensures everything we do works towards our long term strategic plan (you’ll learn more about our strategic plan when you start working with us).

“Sexy” has two meanings for us; the literal, the raw provocative-ness media we produce, but also the “coolness”, the innovative-ness of the things we do.

Working in the adult industry, we ensure our shoots are sexy, erotic, provocative, and natural, in line with our values, which subvert the dominant paradigm of mainstream porn.

But “sexy” also refers to the game-changing things our employees and contractors do every day, and include things like new site features, particularly elegant solutions to day to day problems, and many other things.

Friction can be described as a disturbance that interferes with the normal operation of things. Some examples include, bad phone reception, spam email, getting a cold, being overbilled for electricity, falling off your bike, running late, no milk for your morning coffee – life’s little annoyances.

We believe that in business, we should work to reduce friction as a priority. Removing friction allows more time for fun stuff, so we make business processes (codified in our procedure documents) that prescribe the best way for doing repetitive tasks, but carve out time and clearly identify when creativity or innovation is required.

For example, we think you’d agree that there’s no place for a bookkeeper to be “creative” with Payroll, but designing a report that intuitively shows sales performance certainly does have room for creativity (andif it communicates data clearly, it would be frictionless).

Of course, any company needs to be profitable to continue growing. We have modest profitability targets, and ambitious growth plans that all employees and contractors contribute to and participate in.


To prepare for your face to face interview, ask yourself, “In my new job with, how will I practically…”:

•    Apply the “sexy” goal?
•    Apply the “frictionless” goal?
•    Apply the “profitable” goal?

We’ll likely be asking you these questions in your face-to-face interview. We’ll be way more impressed if you put numbers around each of your statements, and back up claims with examples from your previous roles.

Looking forward to meeting you! 🤝

Preparing the space

Our face-to-face interview will be by video chat. Video-chat is nowhere near as good as a real-life face-to-face meeting, so please consider how to make this time as easy to communicate as possible.

  • It’s essential you have a reliable internet connection for this (which you’ll also need if you’re successful in landing this job).
    • As a guide, a 4G connection via the wifi hotspot on your phone is usually good.
    • At least 5mbps up and down is a minimum, but more is better.
    • Google search “speed test” to check.
  • Be in a room with no distractions. Consider;
    • No audio distractions (mute phone and computer notifications)
    • No other people in the room (remember)
  • Be in a well-lit area.
    • Daytime, facing a window is good.
    • A single lamp behind you, or having your back to the window is bad!
  • Make a test call to a friend 30 minutes before the scheduled time, so you can be sure all is working well.
  • We have a casual dress code – we all work from home.
    • Pajamas are not suitable, but think “neat and casual”.
    • You’re welcome to wear a suit, but be aware we won’t be, and we don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.
  • Set up the web cam to frame you nicely
    • From the top of your head down to your waist or so is ideal
    • Look out for too much space above your head
  • Our interviews are casual and relaxed. We’ll try to make you relaxed too.
  • Interviews will often be funny, passionate, and involve vigorous debate (much like working here!).
  • Don’t be afraid to show us your passion!
    • Don’t hesitate to illustrate a point by sharing your screen.
    • We like to keep things free, loose, fun and easy.
  • It’s important to us to get to know you as a person, just as much to find out if you can actually perform the duties of the role. We want to work with people we like.
    • Making jokes and sharing annecdotes is encouraged.
  • We also know that in many ways, you’re interviewing us as much as we’re interviewing you.
    • We’ll never “put on airs” – we and do say what we mean.
    • How we act in an interview, is pretty much how we act at work.
    • Asking questions is welcome (more on this in Questions to ask us)
  • At the interview, we’ll have a prepared agenda of things to discuss
    • You can also do this!
  • Here are some common traps people often fall in to, that you’d best avoid. We know you’re nervous (though, we’re really not that scary). The first one is especially important:
    • Be concise. Don’t ramble. If we want more detail, we’ll ask.
    • Try to actually answer the question we ask. Don’t be “wooly”.
    • If you need us to clarify or repeat the question, just let us know – we know interviews can be stressful, so it’s no problem.

Next: Questions to ask us.